Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Here's a few scenarios we could do next game day, email me or comment on what you think.

Found this one at Airsoft Missions Post 481.

Tag Collector

Mission Type: Speed

Mission Length: 15 minutes

Field Type: Any

Requirements: Dog tags or lanyard for every player

Concept: See who can collect the most kills

Teams: Every man for himself

Objective: Tag collector in a variant on Last Man Standing that values more aggressive
game play than Last Man Standing. The objective is to collect the most dog tags from other
players on the field and take out the strongest players.

Rules: Each player is issued a set of dog tags (of something resembling it) that can hang
around a player’s neck or wrist and easily be taken off during play. Players all take the
field simultaneously and fan out, players are given 5 minutes to get into position. The
match is started by signal at the 5 minute mark and players have exactly 15 minutes to
eliminate as many other players as possible. When a player is hit, they remove their dog
tags and hold them up in the air. The first player that gets to them grabs the fallen
player's tags and adds them to their own tag(s). If a player is killed with more than one
tag, they hold up ALL of the tags they have collected so far, and ALL of those tags are now
up for grabs to the first player that gets to them. Killed players must stand up and hold
their position until their tags have been collected, once the tags are taken they leave the
field for the safe area. The challenge here is two-fold, 1) be aggressive enough to make lots
of kills 2) get to your kills to collect tags before someone else does, even when they are out
in the open.

Warnings should be given at 5, 3 and 1 minute left. Players leave the field and return to
the safe are to count tags, the player with the most tags wins the round. Killed players
who’s tags were not collected at the end of the round do NOT add to anyone’s score. In
order to claim a tag you have to actually have it in your possession, no matter how many
players you kill you get zero points for tagging and bragging. This may be a hard concept
for snipers to understand…speak slowly.

Respawn Rules: No respawns

Scoring: Win/Lose, the player with the most tags wins, everyone else loses.

+1 Difficulty: Limited ammo, one gun with one midcap mag per player only.

Found this at Airsoft Missions Post 383


Mission Type: Minor

Mission Length: 60min

Field Type: Woodlands (large)

Requirements: 4 sets of retrievable objects (flags, tshirts, bandanas, rucksacks). 4 brown envelopes.

Concept: One squad has been turned to the dark side.

Teams: Player should be split into 4 equal teams/squads

Objective: Your squad is out on patrol doing a routine sweep of the area when you receive word that one of the friendly squads in the area has been bribed by enemy forces and has gone rogue. They have been paid to find and kill you at all costs. You are cut off from base and must complete your sweep of the area and return to base before the traitors can find and eliminate you. Trust no one.

Rules: Gameplay here is fairly simple but may take some time to setup, which is why it gets the minor mission classification. The field should be fairly large in order to pull off this game type, at least large enough that teams on opposite sides can NOT see or better yet even HEAR (clearly) each other. Props in this scenario are 16 objects that can be retrieved in 4 sets of 4 (4 red tshirts, 4 white tshirts, 4 green tshirts, whatever) and 3 envelopes that have a card that reads FRIENDLY and 1 envelope with a card that reads TRAITOR. The groups of objects should be placed in known locations, “checkpoints”, at each corner of the field as far away from the other checkpoints as possible.

To start, players are divided up into four roughly equal groups and each group designates an officer. Each officer is given a sealed envelope with a card in it to be opened only when they reach their starting location. Event coordinators should keep track of which group has the TRAITOR envelope for scoring purposes. Each team is assigned a color for the set of objects to be retrieved and sent to a different checkpoint and told to wait at that checkpoint for the start of the match. Checkpoints should not be within line of sight or shooting range of each other. Once all teams have reached their checkpoints, time is started and each team opens their envelope. From this point on every person in that squad is either a “friendly” or a “traitor” and cannot switch sides.

The friendly squads must retrieve all four of their color objects from the checkpoints, in any order, and proceed to the designated safe zone. The traitor squad must eliminate all other players and may ignore their checkpoints.

The twist in this game is that traitors are free to lie about what side they are on. A traitor squad can walk up to a friendly squad saying “Don’t Shoot! Friendlies!” wait until they have gained the confidence of the friendly squad and then “BANG!” execute them all. It is up to the friendlies to decide who is REALLY on their side, or if they can’t decide to successfully crisscross the field to all four checkpoints without getting killed by traitors or friendly fire. When a player is hit by friendly fire or traitor fire they are still out, regardless.

Although the traitors are outnumbered 3 to 1, the game balance should be even due to surprise and the fact that friendly teams MUST move to known locations in order to complete their mission, they cannot camp or hide. The traitors are free to split up and waylay, ambush, snipe, lure, trap and generally be as sneaky as possible.

The first squad to retrieve all four of their objects and make it back to the safe zone is the winner. At 60 minutes the match is called and if no squad has made it out or all squads been eliminated, the traitors are victorious.

For maximum fun make sure and enforce “Dead Men Tell No Tales” rule. If eliminated players give away the traitor’s identity then the game can get unbalanced. if it’s clear that your players won’t abide by the dead men rule, then make sure that the traitors lie and lie LOUDLY on their way off the field when hit. It is fair game then for traitors to try and convince Squad A that Squad C are the traitors when in reality Squad D are the traitorous snakes.

Respawn Rules: 15 minute respawns (2-3 per game).

Scoring: Win/Lose, first squad to retrieve all four objects and make it to safety is the winner. If time expires or all friendly squads are eliminated, traitors win. Scoring, friendlies (by squad) 25 points per object retrieved, 25 points for making it to safety, traitors, 10 points per friendly kill.

+1 Difficulty: Friendly forces do not respawn, traitors do.


Mission Type: Minor

Mission Length: 30-45min

Field Type: Any

Requirements: Field props for area/item to be destroyed (artillery guns, ammo dump, fuel cannisters, etc.). Mock demolitions for each side (fireworks, smoke bombs, flares, etc.)

Concept: Try to blow up something of the other team’s

Teams: 2 roughly equal teams

Objective: There are several ways to play this type of mission the most common is used as a side mission within a larger engagement. One team is told they need to proceed to map sector X to destroy a critical piece of enemy equipment. The opposing team is told that enemy troops are headed into map sector X to destroy a vital piece of friendly equipment and it must be defended. Multiple demolitions targets on the field are also common (2-3 targets) and can be strung together to make longer missions or in a scored match prove a clear winner. Frequently you can have both sides doing the same mission at opposite sides of the field (Team A must blow up Team B’s radar installation, Team B must blow up Team A’s refueling station or whatever). In this scenario teams must attack and defend in the same mission and split their teams up wisely.

Rules: Demolition objectives should not be butting up against either teams spawn area, they should be clear and approachable from at least 2 sides. Teams are given their demolition objective and take the field on opposite sides. Once the match starts teams rush the field and move to their objective. Standard kill rules and minimum engagement rules apply. Once the attacking team reached the objective, they must drive off defenders or sneak in and ignite the demo charges on the field prop. The match ends when all targets are destroyed or time expires.

Respawn Rules: standard 5 minute respawn

Scoring: Win/Lose, If the targets are destroyed the attacking team wins, if not the defending team wins. Points Scoring, attacking team gets 100 points for each target successfully destroyed, defending team gets 100 points for each target successfully defended.

+1 Difficulty: Demolition target is easy to defend and defenders are allowed to take the field first.

So, what do you think?


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