Misc Ideas

Here are some ideas I've had relating to airsoft:

  • Using a 2 gallon water jug's spout as a valve for a grenade or something.
  • Vacuum Airsoft Retriever (VAR). (for indoor games)
  • BB cleaning machine. Would be used to clean picked up bbs so they could be re-used in cheap guns or grenades etc.
  • A BBMG (http://www.neospud.com/mark3/mark3.html) that is slowed down to a more reasonable rate of fire.

This is a shotgun diagram, along with a magnified shell. The brown tube is the air pump, and the blue rectangle with the red circle is the ball valve. For each shell what happens is tissue gets put over the ends of the shell, and a coupling gets shoved on one side which acts as a choke, and the other end gets put onto the barrel.

Next is a zip gun. The handle locks into place, and to fire you push it over. This is a picture (not mine) of a real zip gun, but the principles are the same. It is more of a last-ditch thing that you only use if you must. 'Nuff said :-)

Got an idea? Email us!