Friday, January 13, 2012

Filming in Airsoft

How to film an airsoft war is a question that myself and countless others have asked. If you have a nice digital camera or even an iPhone, how do you keep it protected from scores of BBs flying you? If it got hit that could mean a broken screen, button, lens, etc.

For a while I'd thought about having glass to go over the lens, and then a box with a machine screw in the bottom to act as a tripod mount. There are circular holes in the sides of the box to allow for sound, and these are covered by computer fan covers.

For an iPhone/iPod Touch (4g), a small wooden perimeter with pieces of glass on both sides would protect the camera and the screen. Letting sound through via small holes in the perimeter would is probably the way to go.

I'm going to build one of each for my digital camera and iPod Touch (which will hopefully soon be replaced by an iPhone :-). If you guys have any comments or suggestions, comment here or email me! I appreciate those of you who have given feedback via email, it's cool to get in touch!



Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Here's a few scenarios we could do next game day, email me or comment on what you think.

Found this one at Airsoft Missions Post 481.

Tag Collector

Mission Type: Speed

Mission Length: 15 minutes

Field Type: Any

Requirements: Dog tags or lanyard for every player

Concept: See who can collect the most kills


What do you think of this for a list of achievements? Just a cool, fun thing to have. Tell me what ya think!

Kill 5 players         -   “Just doing my job!”
Kill 10 players        -   “Too easy for me!”
Kill 25 players        -   “Thanks for the rank.”
Kill 50 players        -   “You got schooled!”
Kill 100 players       -   “Give me a challenge!”
Kill 200 players       -   “Pwned!”
Die 5 times            -   “I know the feeling…”
Die 10 times           -   “I’m just a newbie!”
Die 50 times           -   “I used to die a lot, too!”
Headshot 5 players     -   “Easy target!”
Headshot 10 players    -   “In the face!”
Headshot 50 players    -   “Your head was in the way.”
Perform a 2 killchain  -   “Not luck… skillz!”
Perform a 3 killchain  -   “Don’t try this at home.”
Perform a 4 killchain  -   “That was EPIC!”
Steal 10 flags         -   “Catch me if you can.”
Defuse 10 bombs        -   “I’m an expert.”
10 Knife Kills         -   “I’m the butcher!”
10 RPG Kills           -   “BOOM!”
10 Heavy MG Kills      -   “BBQ time!”
10 SMG Kills           -   “Bang! Bang! You’re dead!”
10 Pistol Kills        -   “Silent killer. It’s me.”
10 Sniper Kills        -   “Call me camper.”
10 AR Kills            -   “I’m a professional.”
10 Shotgun Kills       -   “Piece of cake.”

I'll be posting more shortly, so come back sooner than later...
